It was once said that whoever has a friend, has a treasure. And, if that friend is a fellow a traveler, we don't need to say anymore... Traveling with friends is not only fun but also enriching. Discovering different places in the world in the company of your best friend, your childhood circle, your workmates, or just from friends from anywhere, is truly a great experience that gives you a different perspective on traveling. At Nativics we are believers in the power of a great friendship, the friendship of confidences, secrets, celebrations, discussions and reconciliations. Because, indeed, the greatest gift in life is a true friend. 

For this reason, we have created this special section for traveling with friends: getaways, weekend trips, summer vacations, Easter… And, no matter how many years go by, you will never forget those getaways or weekend trips to the city, those summer vacations. You will always recall that bridge in some charming town, or those parties on the beach or that trip to the coast... Having a traveler friend is a special thing indeed! And what is traveling friend if it isn't someone you come across by chance in the journey of life, because, what is life, if not a journey in itself? So what are you waiting for? Set a date to meet on a terrace, catch up on the latest gossip and choose the next destination where you can create new stories, those that make you smile every time you remember them. Long live a traveling friendship!

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Getaway to Barcelona with a visit to the Camp Nou
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Contact us if you need to add flights, rental cars, transfers or events to your trip. We will help resolve all your doubts and ensure you finalize your reservation to your utmost satisfaction.